Rooflight patio & restaurant - CIRN Nanterre

In progress

Realisation info

Case passport


Glass roof & atrium

450 m² dak - 160 m² wand
KANOPIA Architectures Paris
Study, Production, Technology, Installation, Finish


A former office building is being transformed into a student residence with 500 housing units. The inner courtyard will become a multipurpose space with glass roofs in a greenhouse style and facades. We are constructing the primary structure using steel and connecting it to the existing building. Aluminum and glass will be installed on this steel structure.

Nanterre, an extra-muros district of the capital Paris, is an office district in the extension of 'La Défense'. Paris has a high demand for affordable housing. This project is a former large office building that is being converted into housing. The building covers the entire surface between 4 streets. The open space that serves as the building's courtyard will be given a design that should radiate peace and coziness with a garden and an architectural volume that should become the jewel of the project.

A glass house with communal areas for the well-being of the residents will be built in this open space. This will include a dining facility, a fitness and leisure area.

To make this volume pleasant and livable, the designers took their inspiration from a conservatory. This conservatory is fully designed according to energy standards with double glazing and thermally broken profiles. The glazing of the facades is also staggered to give the residents a greater sense of homeliness.

The conservatory volumes with 3 irregular roofs connect to the existing buildings. It is quite a challenge to connect this new structure of steel, aluminum and glass at different levels to existing concrete structures.

It will be an oasis of peace and transparency that stands in stark contrast to the stately high-rise buildings that surround this courtyard.

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Ons Verhaal

Deel van Deforche Construction Group

Forzon is er voor ontwikkelaars die dromen van geïntegreerde architecturale totale dakconstructies binnen een stedelijk netwerk. We creëren innovatieve ontwerpen en laten ons graag inspireren door creativiteit en visie van architecten, eindklanten, aannemers, investeerders…. Forzon denkt out-of-the-box en verrast je met kwalitatief design dat steeds stijlvol en onderscheidend is. We hebben de knowhow, de innoverende spirit en de zin voor kwaliteit in huis om op maat gemaakte uitdagingen aan te gaan. Lichtstraten, koepels, overkappingen, daklichten, fotovoltaïsche wanden, sheddaken, … Wij brengen licht in jouw project.

Bovendien kan Forzon - als deel van Deforche Construction Group - ruim 90 jaar beroep op kennis en ervaring binnen de serre technologie. We zijn jouw partner in co-creatie en stellen ons kenniscentrum ten dienste van jouw project. Onze missie: creating bright spaces. Of ook: met glas en creatieve vernieuwing samen werk maken van een mooie, duurzame en gelukkige samenleving. 

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