Willy Naessens bioclimatic glass roof

In progress

Realisation info

Case passport


Glass roof & atrium

700 m²
AAVO Kortrijk
Study, Concept, Design, Production, Technology, Installation


A rectangular atrium of 48m long and 12m wide is covered with a glass roof. It is not just an atrium roof, but a bioclimatic glass roof. The glass roof will regulate the
climate for an inner garden where people can meet, work and relax. It will be a volume where people and plants can thrive together.

The glass roof consists of arched trusses that span 12m. These are placed every 6m and are connected with steel purlins. An aluminum grid will be placed on top of this, which will support the double glazing. The arched trusses are 1m higher than the roof curb. This meter is completed with an automated louvre facade in glass for ventilation. A sun blind is stretched between the rafters, which is automatically controlled to dim the barrel vault. The opening slats as well as the sun blinds are managed by a climate computer that regulates the natural climate of this inner garden at all times in function of temperature, light, heat and wind.

The group around Willy Naessens realizes a turnover of around one billion euros. To sustain their growth, they need a new office on the site of their headquarters in Wortegem-Petegem. They are short of space in their existing office building and they want to expand it. But Willy Naessens is up to date and wishes to contribute to
the ecologization of buildings. In his new design he has integrated an inner garden with plants larger than life and mature native trees. It will be the green lung of the  company where people cross paths, drink a cup of coffee and can exchange informally about work. The inner garden is not part of the protected volume, but insulating
glazing was nevertheless chosen. A system of natural ventilation and integrated interior sun protection must ensure a regulated pleasant indoor climate

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Ons Verhaal

Deel van Deforche Construction Group

Forzon is er voor ontwikkelaars die dromen van geïntegreerde architecturale totale dakconstructies binnen een stedelijk netwerk. We creëren innovatieve ontwerpen en laten ons graag inspireren door creativiteit en visie van architecten, eindklanten, aannemers, investeerders…. Forzon denkt out-of-the-box en verrast je met kwalitatief design dat steeds stijlvol en onderscheidend is. We hebben de knowhow, de innoverende spirit en de zin voor kwaliteit in huis om op maat gemaakte uitdagingen aan te gaan. Lichtstraten, koepels, overkappingen, daklichten, fotovoltaïsche wanden, sheddaken, … Wij brengen licht in jouw project.

Bovendien kan Forzon - als deel van Deforche Construction Group - ruim 90 jaar beroep op kennis en ervaring binnen de serre technologie. We zijn jouw partner in co-creatie en stellen ons kenniscentrum ten dienste van jouw project. Onze missie: creating bright spaces. Of ook: met glas en creatieve vernieuwing samen werk maken van een mooie, duurzame en gelukkige samenleving. 

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