Architektonische Gewächshauskonzepte
Architektonische Gewächshauskonzepte
This construction has the looks of a glasshouse, more precisely of a greenhouse. Triple glazing is chosen to make the interior pleasant and energy efficient.
The basic construction for the glasshouse is executed in steel that is R90 painted for fire stability. The profile system is from Reynaers aluminium. The indoor climate is also controlled by internal screening on the window walls and roof surfaces. The space can also be ventilated naturally with smoke and heat extraction elements in the roof. The glasshouse is surrounded by a terrace. The east façade is less than 5 meters from another compartment. This facade is therefore made in the same profile system but with fire-resistant EI60.
Belval is a new town in Luxembourg being built on the former site of the Arbed steel factory. Mixed-use buildings are being constructed on this site. A vacant lot between 4 streets will be transformed into a flat block with 108 flats, shops, offices and catering facilities.
On the 6th floor of one of the buildings, a glasshouse is being built to serve as a restaurant. It is a volume in the form of a greenhouse. The roof structure consists of several gabled roofs. The walls of the greenhouse are 2 storeys high. The restaurant inside will occupy 2 floors.
A beautiful project, on behalf on Tralux Immobilier.
Forzon is er voor ontwikkelaars die dromen van geïntegreerde architecturale totale dakconstructies binnen een stedelijk netwerk. We creëren innovatieve ontwerpen en laten ons graag inspireren door creativiteit en visie van architecten, eindklanten, aannemers, investeerders…. Forzon denkt out-of-the-box en verrast je met kwalitatief design dat steeds stijlvol en onderscheidend is. We hebben de knowhow, de innoverende spirit en de zin voor kwaliteit in huis om op maat gemaakte uitdagingen aan te gaan. Lichtstraten, koepels, overkappingen, daklichten, fotovoltaïsche wanden, sheddaken, … Wij brengen licht in jouw project.
Bovendien kan Forzon - als deel van Deforche Construction Group - ruim 90 jaar beroep op kennis en ervaring binnen de serre technologie. We zijn jouw partner in co-creatie en stellen ons kenniscentrum ten dienste van jouw project. Onze missie: creating bright spaces. Of ook: met glas en creatieve vernieuwing samen werk maken van een mooie, duurzame en gelukkige samenleving.